What To Eat During Your Period
Saba® makes you feel #CómodaContigo.

Can Some Foods Be Harmful During Your Period?

False, there are no health risks if you eat certain foods during your period. Just continue your healthy eating habits (drink lots of water, and eat fruits and vegetables).

We also recommend reducing the consumption of salt, fatty meats, and caffeine, because they cause bloating and fluid retention. Eating lots of sweets is not recommended either, because they cause your blood glucose levels to rise very quickly and then abruptly drop, which can cause irritability and anxiety.

And we know that you might get a thousand cravings. They are actually your body's way of telling you what it needs.

We’ll tell you what you need to know to understand those cravings, and how to control them in a healthy way.

What Happens: Craving sweet things, like cake or ice cream.

Why It Happens: Hormonal changes can cause blood sugar levels to drop.

Healthy Tip: Eat foods rich in protein. Proteins - such as meat, chicken, tuna, or dairy products - help control your blood sugar levels. For example, you can make yourself a nice salad with your choice of meat.

What Happens: Craving things high in carbs and flour, like potato chips.

Why It Happens: Low levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a substance found in our nervous system, and it’s responsible for sending feel-good signals to the brain.

Healthy Tip: Increase your serotonin level to feel happier and be more focused on those days. For example, you can prepare a cup of natural popcorn instead of eating French fries.

What Happens: Craving for sweets, fluid retention, and feelings of sadness.

Why It Happens: Magnesium is a mineral that decreases not only during days leading up to your period but during menstruation as well. This happens because the more the hormone levels increase, the lower the magnesium level gets in your body.

Healthy Tip: Increase your intake of magnesium - a mineral contained in foods such as peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, brown rice, and beans. Chocolate is also a source of magnesium, but dark or semi-bitter is preferable.

It is also essential that you stick to your usual meal schedule. Don't skip meals or wait to eat until you're hungry. You can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with a snack between meals. This will prevent your body from running out of fuel.

And before saying “yes” to your cravings, have a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes to see how your body responds. It's surprising, but sometimes our body mistakes thirst for hunger.

Remember that the most important thing is your health. It is not bad for you to indulge every once in a while, but it is important to learn to find balance and understand what your body needs to stay healthy.