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When your period is late, two things can happen.

The first one is that you get extremely worried, and the other one is that you’re extremely used to this. Remember that understanding your menstrual cycle can help you to identify what’s normal and what isn’t.
Here are some reasons why your period can be late:
1) Pregnancy
If you had unprotected sex, your late period could mean that you’re pregnant. What we recommend is that after 7 days of a delay you do a pregnancy test and visit your doctor.
2) Bad Timing
You should remember that a regular period comes month to month, but that doesn’t mean that it comes on the same day. It usually comes between 28 and 32 days, and to know if your period is normal you can keep track with a period diary where you can write when it starts when it ends, and how you feel.
3) Stress
If you’re under a lot of pressure or you’re having a hard time, your period can be late because of all this stress. This is because stress releases certain types of hormones that can mess with your menstrual cycle.
4) Age
After having your first period, your menstrual cycle can be pretty irregular because your hormones are still changing. This can last up to 2 years.
On the other side, around age 39 your period can be shorter, they can be late, or not even arrive. This is because your body starts the menopause process around this time.
5) Medicines
Certain pills can have a side effect on your menstrual cycle. For example, antibiotics and hormonal birth control have huge repercussions on your hormones and your menstrual cycle.
6) Breastfeeding
While you’re breastfeeding, your body produces certain hormones that produce milk but also pauses your period. All bodies are different, but it’s important to do a checkup with your doctor during this process.
7) Illness
Ovarian cysts, hormone problems, and endometriosis among others can provoke amenorrhea (missing periods). But don’t worry about it, as soon as you have a diagnose your doctor can treat it very easily.
8) Body Weight
Fat in our bodies can change the estrogen levels and this affects ovulation. This means that the menstrual cycle can change constantly.
9) Intense Workout
A really intense workout can change your menstrual cycle, especially if you’re also doing also a very strict diet. That’s why you should consider that if you workout in your daily routine, you should rest properly.
The best way to know if there’s something wrong is by listening to your body and keeping a menstrual diary to you see if there’s something weird.