V Zone Taboos
Saba® makes you feel #CómodaContigo.
Compared to previous generations, we live in some pretty progressive times. We talk about many more things now than we used to. But here’s the thing… unfortunately, taboos still exist. Especially taboos about women’s V Zone and its functions.
Women still feel shame, pressure, and embarrassment about this totally natural and beautiful area. We surveyed over 14,000 men and women around the globe to find out how people think and feel about it. And you will be surprised by what we found out:
The good news? Despite the taboos and stigmas, women are embracing themselves and their bodies.
- 52% of women agreed that attitudes towards women’s intimate areas are becoming more positive.
- 72% of women said they have become more body positive.
- 84% of women say they should not feel ashamed for wanting to experience pleasure during sex.
At Saba, we are committed to creating a world where women can live the life they want. That’s why we’re breaking V Zone taboos and sparking conversation around it.
Source: Survey conducted by Ketchum Analytics January 2020. Participants: 14,089 men and women across U.K., France, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, China and Malaysia.